Project Manager, Ontario HIV Treatment Network 2001-2005
Project overview: the HIV Information Infrastructure Project (HIIP) had three deliverables – enhanced clinical support tools for physicians, providing data to researchers, and ensuring the secure transmission of patient data from clinics to a central database. The HIIP team was small (8 people) as the development work was largely outsourced. The OHTN is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health; HIIP’s annual budget was $3 million.
- Conducted a status assessment and instituted changes to revitalize the overdue project, including redefining roles and responsibilities between the project and the vendors.
- Worked closely with the software vendor to introduce change control processes, acceptance testing methodologies and improved software rollout practices.
- Defined business requirements for secure data extraction & transmission based on input from stakeholders; subsequently presented joint paper (“Privacy and Confidentiality in a Real World Setting”) at national eHealth conference.
- Met critical milestones, ensuring ongoing funding for project.
- Brought sub-contracted Clinical Management System (CMS) development to completion, including final testing.
- Managed selection of, negotiations with, and rollout to four beta sites.
- Designed province-wide implementation process for over 100 clinics.
Technical environment:
- Hardware: PC
- Operating systems: Windows
- Other: EDIFACT; HL7; ASTM 1238
Corporate website: Ontario HIV Treatment Network.