
I had the privilege of working with Paul at Index Exchange as both his manager and as a product manager, and I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the experience.

His approach to agile coaching is holistic, focusing not just on processes and methodologies, but on the core of what makes teams successful: collaboration, continuous improvement, and a relentless pursuit of value delivery. He is not just an agile coach; he embodies the very essence of agile principles.

For anyone looking to transform their teams or organization through agile practices, Paul is the perfect fit. His dedication to his craft and his ability to drive significant change make him an exceptional coach.
Mark O’Donovan
I had the pleasure of working with Paul for three years as fellow Agile Coaches at Index Exchange. What impresses me about Paul is his ability to identify root causes of problems, tap into his extensive knowledge and experience to devise intentional and strategic process improvements with his teams, and leverage the brain power of many people to bring about the best ways forward to solve problems. Thanks to Paul’s coaching, training, facilitation, and mentoring efforts, numerous teams have successfully adopted Scrum at Index Exchange.

Personally, I’ve gained a ton of invaluable knowledge and insights from working alongside Paul. If you’re seeking an experienced Agile Coach who can serve as a force multiplier and drive organizational growth, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Paul.
Rossana Lam
Paul is a brilliant and experienced Agile Coach who knows how to excite people and organizations about agile.

Paul was an invaluable senior member of my team of agile coaches.

Paul’s biggest strength is a deep understanding of agile, lean, and product principles. In addition, he has the distinctive ability to analyze a situation and eloquently communicate his observations. Finally, using his extensive agile knowledge and experience, Paul can propose appropriate options for struggling teams and organizations.

Also, Paul can effectively coach on multiple levels: from teams to engineering leadership and executives.

Without hesitation, I recommend Paul if you are looking for an experienced, knowledgeable agile coach.
Goran Lazarev
I had the pleasure of working with Paul during my time at Index Exchange. Paul is a knowledgeable and supportive. He leverages his skills and experience to build autonomous teams that deliver quality software in a very predictable manner.
Paul worked with a few of my managers to support their growth focused on quality delivery. His calm demeanour really helps foster a culture of continuous improvement and ownership. After a short period of time the teams were breaking down work appropriately, reducing the number of injections into the sprint and their cycle times. It was a pleasure to see the impact he had quickly.

I would trust Paul to work closely with any of my managers or teams helping facilitate better outcomes and drive value to the customers. Any company would be lucky to have someone like Paul supporting their managers and teams.
Martin Ryalen
Paul has brought a unique blend of technical knowledge, interpersonal skills, and a deep understanding of organizational dynamics at Index. His guidance not only helped the teams he overlooked streamline their processes but also fostered a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

One of the most impressive aspects of Paul’s coaching style was his ability to tailor solutions to both our Agile team as well as his respective engineering teams’ specific needs. He didn’t just offer cookie-cutter solutions but took the time to understand our collective challenges, dynamics, and goals before crafting a customized approach that truly resonated with the team.

I highly recommend Paul to any organization seeking to embrace Agile methodologies and elevate their team’s performance.
Taha Ansari
I met Paul during a ScrumMatch review where Paul and I worked together to review his Scrum maturity. As a result of this review I can say that Paul has a high maturity as a ScrumMaster. Most importantly, Paul understands that Scrum is a means to an end, and the end is to deliver more value sooner. He can teach Scrum, improve the use of Scrum in teams and the organization as well as facilitate its use to improve the product. Paul is experienced in helping teams start small and grow, focus on goals, and build the right product through frequent inspect-and-adapt feedback loops. He knows how to work with senior management to make the benefits of Scrum happen. Paul would be an asset to any organization looking to become more effective and create more value through the use of Scrum. I can highly recommend working with Paul.
Johannes Geske
At EPAM Paul coached a portfolio of clients and teams; generating client revenues ranging from $1 million to $10 million. Paul’s coaching aligned with client business goals enabling his teams to apply agile principles and values to achieve business success.

Paul’s coaching style brings innovation and versatility; for example, Paul introduced the concept of “safe to learn” to teams he was coaching, moving beyond the familiar constraints of “safe to fail” and striking a more productive stance for his teams. For one of EPAM’s largest clients Paul coached as part of a coaching team and as an individual coach; demonstrating his capacity to contribute at team and individual levels.

In addition to coaching with clients Paul was a member and contributor to EPAM’s Agile Competency Center. In this role Paul organized and facilitated forums for agile coach development aiding expansion of agile practices across EPAM. Paul also provided thoughtful advice and guidance applied across EPAM’s global operations, by answering questions from EPAM’s globally distributed development teams.
Rob MacGregor
Paul has always impressed me with his skills and abilities as a seasoned expert coach, and he just keeps getting better and better.
Over the 12 years I’ve known Paul, I have personally seen him help others navigate conflict and strong disagreements, and he always does so with a calm, collected, professional, clear, impartial, and focused approach.
Paul has a tremendous amount of patience and will go at whatever pace is most appropriate to help others make meaningful, positive, lasting change.
Paul is empathetic and non-judgmental, and meets people, teams, and organizations where they are so he may then help them find their way forward. This is critical as a coach needs to provide an unbiased viewpoint in order to foster a trust relationship.
He is insightful, and often sees patterns in the ways things are done that others do not see. He then shares these observations in such a professional way to help others see truth and willingly commit to appropriate action in order to make lasting improvements.
Aside from his soft skills, Paul also has a tremendous set of technical knowledge to draw from that helps people find the technology, automation, and practices to support their goals.
Paul is an effective communicator and provides focus and balance to ensure the real message is effectively relayed, even when it is a difficult one to receive. Truth can be as challenging to deliver as it is to accept, but it is critical for a coach to be a good mirror in order to give people the opportunity to reflect, and Paul does it with a grace and maturity that always encourages people to see more in themselves and in others.
Above all, Paul is consistent, committed, and reliable. He is the stability and voice of reason that so many people, teams, and organizations need to hear. He is always there to provide guidance, but he does not push you too hard – he reminds you of what you are trying to achieve, and then he walks alongside you to ensure you get to where you are going.
Paul is the kind of professional coach I strive to more like, and any person, team, or organization that has the opportunity to work with Paul is very blessed to have him at their side.
Jerry Doucett
If your teams needs:
– an agile coach who brings in years of experience working with teams
– a trusted ally who tells it like it is, while applying a soft touch
– a leader who speaks truth to power
then I suggest you get in touch with Paul. I would not hesitate if an opportunity presents itself to work with Paul again.
Gino Marckx
Paul knows his stuff. He lives and breathes Agile and Lean with deep skills in designing effective processes for software delivery. Even better, he has great coaching and facilitation skills that gently but firmly pull teams along in the right direction. I would be very happy to have Paul on any of my teams in the future.
Sean Doran
Paul was the first Agile Coach I had worked with, right after completing the training at RBC.
It was an extraordinary experience working with Paul, during my first project using Scrum framework, part of a scrum team.
Paul is passionate about Agility, simplicity, eficiency, making informed and smart decisions, true collaboration, responsibility, leadership and effective communication. He is a very experienced coach and it was due to his abilities that I embraced change and agility quickly and successfully. The whole team was able to understand, learn and embraced the new way of working, as Paul facilitated with great results the agile mind set adoption.
Ovi Comaniciu
Paul is a fantastic person to work with. Paul provided a wealth of knowledge as our team’s coach through our very difficult transition to Agile. I also had the pleasures of working with him in the Agile CoE at RBC. He is very much a big reason for me being where I am now in my career. He is very passionate about agile that is only surpassed by his passion for photography.
Stuart Oakley
I have worked with Paul as an agile coach at RBC and I would recommend him to anyone considering to hire him. I appreciated his mature demeanour and good humour. He is a diligent coach that gently nudges the team members towards agility.
Jean-Francois Gingras
Paul demonstrated an ability to learn and apply new methodologies in his role using Scrum master techniques and he lead the way in exploring this new approach within the team. He displayed initiative in figuring out the new processes and in getting tasks done to move the project forward. Paul is very keen on collaboration and on facilitating the group using Agile methods. Paul also has a very high level of both written and verbal communications.
Elizabeth Yanow
Paul was solely responsible for my introduction and development as a Project Manager. Paul’s mentoring skills are excellent providing me with the freedom to learn and develop skills by constant discussion on best practice and positive feedback.

Paul’s technical knowledge is also extensive which is absolutely crucial in complex IT projects at a time where it seems many IT project managers do not have the necessary technical background.

All the projects we worked on together were run to budget and schedule and as a consequence the company often benefited with repeat business.
Tim Sanders